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SATURNO Street/Highway Lighting


Saturno is a vertical truss made up of very thin members making it an extremely light product a delicate, almost transparent presence on the street or highway. The economical use of materials makes it possible to use stainless steel, which requires a minimum of maintenance since painting and rust are eliminated. Keeping maintenance costs to a minimum is a goal for any organization, but it is particularly important for cities, highway authorities, and other public entities, which often have capital to buy good products but are not always able to allocate funds for ongoing maintenance. Since Saturno was designed not only to illuminate the street but also itself, the designer chose ultra-violet resistant polycarbonates for the identifying color shields. Shields of different colors are usually used to identify different quarters of the city or upcoming exits or service stations. The bumpers on the sides of the poles are made of an ultra-resistant material made from 100 percent recycled plastic. Saturno is highly visible, which minimizes the potential of road accidents. In daytime, its matte-polished surface is enhanced by its colored bumpers and light shields. At night or during adverse weather conditions, the more reflective nature of its surface and lighted bumpers help guide drivers. The poles are also designed to bend easily in case they are hit by an automobile. Moreover, the poles can becomes a billboard of changing signs alerting drivers to changing traffic conditions.

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